Friday, December 08, 2006

Confessions of a bad mother

Last run: 5 miler (yesterday) Days to London Marathon: 165

Well, after a long quest on Ebay, the dark green babyjogger dream machine finally arrived at the beginning of december, so I am now free to run around looking like a demented entrant in some sort of Mothercare version of supermarket sweep. Seriously, first impressions are very positive: the thing is light, responsive and copes well with rough terrain without giving its occupant whiplash. Of course, the plonker factor is sky high so I doubt I shall be bringing it hashing - I couldn't face drinking a down down from it.

The Spare is a fan, too. After 9 weeks of being flat on his back in a carry cot, Supernanny stylee, he can sit up and look around as mother pants along behind him. I can't see what he is doing - only the back of his head - but from the reaction of those people who we approach I suspect he might be perfecting the semaphore for 'please call the NSPCC urgently'.


At 5:56 PM, Blogger Rachelgolightly said...

oh please continue to be a bad mother, you're making me weep with laughter!

At 2:15 PM, Blogger Winston said...

Will the spare be joining you in London? Think of the gels you can carry in the baby jogger.


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