Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Hash minutes 12th March 2007

From Ed:

Hare: Peanut

John (Friend of Tom Corbin)
William (Friend of Vernon)
Anne (From Dublin?)

Rachel Fenton (though now apparently married)

John Boy - for setting out with 3 virgins, having his way with them and then dumping them at various locations around town.
Gobbler and Lisa - Holding up traffic whilst fornicating in the street
Dave the rave - 'pissing in Bunter's pocket' by declaring that he could get three pints at the Rad for the money he was asked to to pay for 3 halves at the Earl of Beconsfield
Imogen - For leading some young innocents astray to Mill Road with a 'follow me I know where it's going' call
Ewan - renamed left handshandy - for breaking his arm on the Hash Ski and failing to get off with the very attractive nurse - Dave the rave has photographic evidence.


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