So long, Pedalphile!
There are some people in everyone's life who take up a special place as an emotional touchstone, moral compass and ever-steady confidante.Brad, on the other hand, has been drawling and God-bless-America-ing at us all for three years now, and the powers-that-be have decided that enough is enough and are redeploying him to the middle of a large desert in Nevada. Last night he laid a trail to commemorate his passing on.
I've never seen such a large pack on a February night (Winst counted 95 in the circle), and I've never seen the entire pack unilaterally add a beer stop. Warmed t'cockles of me'eart.
The circle featured: -
Pedalphile: Hare and celebrated septic
Virgins: Welcome to Hubertus, Mitzi, Jade, Steve, Matt and Rene! Hope you all had a good time and hope to see you again soon! Thanks to Sonia, Zam and Indra for being buddies and taking care of the virgins.
Welcome back and goodbye again to Geraldine! Hope you don't stay away so long this time.
We were pleased to host "When I ..." and "Quilty arse"; visitors from Tavistock.
Sinners: - Bloody Barbie (leading the hash unstray). Barely Legal (not seeing to his Leaky Boiler). Hash rename!: Leaky Boiler (nee Sausage Slipper). Bunter. Abi ([something undecipherable]). Wifebeater (probably short cutting).
Next week the hares are Jellybean and Barely Legal.
On on
G'bye, Brad! The hash won't be the same without you. It'll be one smaller, for a start, and substantially less well-read. And where will we be without your legendary salsa-dancing skills? Hope to see you again someday soon! Jeremy
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