Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A Happy Ending

Ladies and Gentlemen; the Paris Marathon. Parm parm paaaaaaarm.

And so the heroes return, etc etc.

Paris gave us perfect conditions for the marathon; ~8C, no wind and sunny. Apart from a hosiery incident at the start (less exciting than it sounds) I had a great run and am v. pleased with my time (2h54'15").

My tactics this year were impeccable - I opted for the official post-run massage tent rather than the impromptu massage operation run by the Scientologists last year. The official masseurs were just as pretty and smiley as the scientologists, you got one to each leg, and they knew their stuff.

It was great to go out with everyone on Sunday night, although a whole night on Heineken made the Sackcloth taste really good last night!

Please forgive the embedding of the official marathon theme tune. If you didn't get the music, try here - most uplifting!


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