Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Curse of CBS

For some time now, I have suffered from a little known condition called Cold Bum Syndrome. The afflicted are people with nicely covered behinds and a propensity to run long distances in chilly conditions. Sounds incredible, but is in fact true. This evening's run caused a particularly severe bout to come on, resulting in a Very Cold Bum. Personal Trainer was incredulous too. And that is why those passing down the Backs earlier would have seen two runners, one with his hand down the other's pants, providing mid-run diagnosis. Not, Officer, because of any under-age shenanigans. Just to be clear.


At 10:42 PM, Blogger Hermione said...

Phew, I'm glad you cleared that out. Of course, you could have been testing a novel form of running bum-bra.

At 10:45 PM, Blogger Hermione said...

'Up'. That should have read 'up'. Damn this alzheimers...

At 3:18 PM, Blogger Winston said...

I've noticed this form of diagnosis going on in the Rad (& similar by Lemons in low light conditions). It's often done quite spontaneously by the older male hasher. You hear them muttering "Cold!" as they back away, hurriedly re-warming their hands on their face or groin. The altruism of hashers is amazing.

For a young chap it's good to see that BL (BottomLocator?) can find "an arse" with both hands, even if it's not his own.

"Look, I got nothing against young Mort, see, he's as nice a boy as you could wish to meet, it's just that -"
"I know, I know," said Lazek. "He couldn't find his arse with both hands."

1987: Terry Practchett: Mort - Corgi 1988 page 14.

Hands On-On.


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