Monday, January 22, 2007

Remember the Alamo

Pacing, that's the problem. My usual training rate is around 3.5 pts/hr, but only for the 3 hrs after the hash on Monday night.

Some context: I'm in San Antonio this week for a conference and thanks to Pukes of Hazard managed to get out to the hash yesterday. The weather here has been unusually cold recently, but yesterday was gorgeous (said with the thickest Mancunian accent you can muster). The San Antonio H3 is an old hash, and are looking forward to celebrating their 1069th run next week.

Good live trail with plenty of off road stuff, and nice weather. The SAH3 take their hash religion seriously, and the circle was good fun, with many many songs. The downdown beer of choice is Lone Star Lite, which is like sex in a canoe, and tastes awful if it's not ice cold. Give me a pint of habit every day. I mean any day...

Then it was off to a local bar for some quality hashing. Quite a lot, as it turned out. I started drinking at lunchtime and finished, erm, don't really know when, but I feel like hammered sh*t today.

Worth it though - hope you all had a good time under Winston's masterly Mastering. See you next week, and to the San Antonio H3: CHEERS!


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