Thursday, January 12, 2006


Just back from a session at Fenners Gym on the treadmill.

Now don't get me wrong, I still hate them in principal and was pretty bored spending 45 mins staring at the sign telling me not to use the machine for more than 20mins on pain of death.

BUT... there are some definite pluses: -
  1. I did 12km with a 40'36 10km set in the middle. There is no way on earth I could have got that done outside, even if I did have a GPS. Or a watch.
  2. The experience of running at exactly 4' kms, and 3'30 kms is going to be valuable knowledge for longer runs, especially since I don't have a GPS or pedometer jobbie.
  3. You have to learn how to run hot. Not quite up to Sydney standards, but a lot warmer than outdoors right now.
So all in all, I might end up using them a fair bit.

In other news, watch this space for the Martyrometer, which will be a running swing-o-meter indicating who's having the least fun training between Steve and his Aussie buddies and the Fen trotters here in blighty.


At 8:10 PM, Blogger FriendToGeoff said...

Cruel and unusual punishment for a treadmill, surely? Pounding at anything less than 4' will have all the OAPs at Fenners Lawn complaining about being woken up. On the plus side you could turn the central heating up, put the thing on the big hills setting and pretend to be Steve...


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