Thursday, November 29, 2007

the Howell Half-Marathon

Since the marahash blog appears to have spontaneously risen from the dead, and more than a couple of the denizens of the St. Radegund have unwisely admitted to signing up for spring marathons, it seems only fair that some kind of atheticism makes an appearance. So, to kick off this winter's tales, here's what happens when you volunteer to go for a quick trot with Hannah and Chris of a Wednesday evening...

1. Turn up at Chris's house. Store bike safely in garden, locking it to the splendidly-kitch collection of garden-gnomery next to the shed. Note inwardly that Chris is obviously very houseproud, compared to his carefree persona.

2. Stand outside waiting for Hannah.

3. Return to rear of house. Remove bike from next-door's garden and transfer to correct garden, shouldering open the unique one-hinge gate. Note inwardly that the correct garden in fact indicates a dangerously revolutionary character, as it appears to have been used as a training-ground for the kind of environmental protest groups that live under soggy bits of plywood and lock themselves upside-down to earth-moving equipment.

4. Set off in the dark towards Granchester.

5. Via Cherry-Hinton and Fulbourn, it appears.

6. Oh, and Trumpington too. Dissuade the ex-Army girl from attempting the Clay-Field assault-course to Trumpington Waitrose in the dark, and head on down Long Road.

7. Ignore screams of pain from legs, press on across Granchester Meadows. Fondly imagine this means a return via Brooklands avenue.

8. Or Chesterton, as it turns out. Run past appealing smell of food at Restaurant 22. Ignore stomach-rumblings.

9. Thunder over green-dragon bridge. Head in general direction of airport. Question self as to whether or not have actually completed a will recently.

10. Notice strange ache in right knee around the Big Sainsburys. Decide to forgo the joys of running back past Addenbrookes in an attempt to avoid a more permanent visit there.

11. Arrive back at Chris's. Consume standard recovery diet of picallili and jaffa-cakes.

12. Try to pedal home. Slowly.

For those with more masochism than sense, the Howell half-marathon may be found here.


At 10:53 PM, Blogger Julia said...

Good report Jeremy, but the title's wrong. That route is of course "the Howell 10km."


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