Sunday, January 15, 2006

Long way to go to avoid training part 2

Rachel finding that Walkers Crisps don't pack anything like the punch of Runners Cake

[Caption competition 1]

Well, we've now done all the gradient traning that we have planned for this year. It was all quite exciting as evidenced by Winston wetting is running pants in the car park as we prepared for the first session. We knew that we were in great form when we passed 2 local fell runners on the path to Scafell. A brief stop at the top to guzzle fruit cake and marathon bars (for some strange reason they now call them snickers) set us up well for the rapid desent though the clouds. As true hashers our running endurance for the day was only bettered by the commited drinking that followed.

[Caption competition 2]

Day 2 commenced with an endurance sleep and dream session. Sadly Rachel did do a Jeremy and thus woke before she and her Blond beau got down to any exciting action. The hypothetical sprint session to the end of the road and back went well with Winston managing to keep his ladies trainers in nice pristeen condition. The final training session, The Carpet Slipper Ascent was to have been the light wind down session of the training camp. The wind was not down but rather blowing a full gale at the top. It failed, just, to blow us from the peak but succeeded in taking my glasses to their new home at the bottom of Ullswater.

We are now en route back to the flat lands of East Anglia and keen to prove that altitude training has done us absolutely no good whatsoever.



At 11:31 AM, Blogger Jim said...

Caption 1: "Hmmmm. Just one foot? We're going to need a bog top-up before we go too much further"


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